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Dust Extraction Blowers

As a result of many years of experience, we offer our customers complete solutions in the transmission of gaseous media. We work as a service provider and supplier for numerous large and medium-sized international companies.

In recent years, we have innovative solutions developed with our customers.

With the support of a specialist in flow technology for gaseous media, we can develop and manufacture OEM products for a range of small and large companies. The industries include Safety Engineering,  Construction Equipment, Protection Equipment, and Defense Vehicles.

Our customers profit from our competence in building electric motors and in the design of blowers. As well as blowers, we can also develop and manufactures system solutions with integrated blowers.

  • Development and design of individual blowers according to customer requirements
  • Project management for the customer
  • Prototyping
  • Documentation and tests in a laboratory
  • Certification to customer specifications
  • Preparation for series production and support in producing QM measures