Direct current is required to operate the PRECIMA spring-applied brakes. If required, we therefore supply suitable rectifiers according to your requirements.
Direct current can be provided by:
- Direct supply (battery, DC mains, etc.)
- Half-wave or bridge rectifier
- Fast excitation rectifier
Our types and designations:
- PMB – bridge rectifier
- PMBAF – bridge rectifier with overvoltage protection and cage clamp: The bridge rectifier generates an optimal DC voltage and is available for AC or DC switching.
- PME – half-wave rectifier
- PMEA – half-wave rectifier with overvoltage protection
- PMEAF – half-wave rectifier with overvoltage protection and cage clamp: The half-wave rectifier halves the required coil voltage, is inexpensive and can be supplied for AC or DC switching.
- PMG – fast excitation rectifier: The fast excitation rectifier is recommended where short ventilation times and low power losses are required. It combines the advantages of half-wave and bridge rectifiers.
- PMGU – fast excitation rectifier with quick shutdown: The fast excitation rectifier expands the range of functions of the Standard PMG rectifier for fast shutdown and the Setting the overexcitation time (variant dependent).
- PMRU – quick shutdown device: The rapid shutdown device is used in addition to a rectifier to achieve faster brake application.
- PMS – current detection relay: The current detection relay is used to switch the spring-applied brake on the DC side if there is no neutral conductor to the motor.