Air Treatment in WWTP

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Air Treatment in WWTP

Work in WWTP’s and in a number of industrial halls and production plants represents a potential hazard, in the occurrence of problems having to do with foul odours. In the past, annoying odours from biological processes were eliminated with the use of biological filters. However, these filters did not manifest high operational reliability, were voluminous and required considerable operating costs. Today, reliable physical-chemical technologies are available that use the ionization of photocatalytic oxidation in the treatment of these waste gases.

The physical-chemical methods are very effective and suitable for eliminating unpleasant odors, such as H2S, NH3, (CH3)2S, and VOC.

Photocatalytic Oxidation

This process is a combination of photo-oxidation based on the effect of UV radiation and catalytic oxidation. It is mainly used in environments that are burdened with a high quantity of odorous and organic substances that are hard to decompose (oxidize).


The production of active oxygen is a natural process that sterilizes and deodorizes the atmosphere.
Fresh and clean air after a thunderstorm is well-known – this is when the atmosphere is cleaned by means of physical-chemical processes, e.g., initiated by lightning.
In the ionization unit, a strong electrostatic field is produced.
In the air passing between two electrodes, chemical reactions are initiated. The resulting effect is that on one side the electron in the atom moves to a track with a higher energy potential, and on the other side a real oxygen radical is generated at the same time. This means that the activation of oxygen and ionization occur simultaneously. Activated oxygen is then a strong oxidizing agent. In comparison to oxidation by neutral oxygen, oxidation by active oxygen yields a number of benefits. The reactions are started immediately and even strong pollutants are oxidized instantaneously. Odorous substances are oxidized to water, carbon, oxides, and other harmless compounds

AS-BioAir Biofilters

This line of biofilters is designed for air quantities from 100 to 1,700 m3/h. The biofilter comprises a tank, grill, flanges for the connection of waste air, and water distribution lines for spraying the biofilter media. The biofilter is not equipped with a roof, pre-treatment stage, or air heating. The filter assembly does not include exhaust fans either.